Monday, 1 December 2008

Home sweet home

I've been spending way too many nights over at the boyf's house. As a result I really missed mine! What better thing than a tidy house, a pile of fashion magazines to be read on the sofa and something delicious in the oven?
I'm also still wearing last night's outfit. That seems to happen a whole lot of often, because of me always staying over. But what better way to offset the "housewife" look than a skull t-shirt?


Anonymous said...

Too right: Nothing says wifey like a skull tee. Whatcha cooking, Lopi?

Elena said...

Yummyyyyyy! The food looks delicious!!!!
I'd say that this outfit is one of your best dear!
And your house looks so cozy!

Mode Junkie said...

love the skull shirt. you do make one rock and roll-ish wife! :)

Anonymous said...

your living room looks lovely

lucia said...

great outfit!just perfect and very sexy! i love the pumps..are they blue?

Lopi said...

Thanks so much, all of you!

Sal, I made lemon and oregano seasoned pork steaks with potatoes. There isn't any left now.

Lucia, the pumps are actually green. You can't tell by the picture because all my lamps in the kitchen need replacing and I'm currently using a yellow lamp shade, so everything looks different color than in reality. I'm just lazy like that.

Anonymous said...

Cute place!

muchlove said...

Your place looks so nice and cozy. Nice outfit too!

Anonymous said...

όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο και το υπόλοιπο σπίτι είναι υπέροχο :)

Pauline said...

Thank you very much Lopi for your message..your little home looks so cute..the couch with the laptop,the magazines and with a warm cup of chocolate would be like a dream..
And i know how you feel..i spent lot of time too in my boyfriend's appartment and i miss so much mine..

Trendy Gourmandise said...

yum !!! lol