grey leather studded purse by Zara

lipstick by Clinique in Parisian Red

gold ring by Topshop and sparkly bow ring by Accessorize

In all, last night's outfit components.
This time, I decided not to do any resolutions. Like I said last year, I believe that if you really want something to happen, you shouldn't have to write it down. So there.
Happy new year!
such gorgeous photos! i love the way you showed your outfit. happy new year!
the dress is amazing!!
very fashionable blog :)! does anybody know when are beginning the biggest "new year sales" in attrattivo?? :)
Lucy, thanks! I guess they will start their sale at the same date as Badila, BSB and Toi&moi, which is the same for all of Greece in general. I guess probably sometime in mid January, as last year they started on the 15th.
i agree i havent made a new years resolution ither :P
love the photos very artistic! it'd be really cool if you printed one of them and framed it!
happy new year!!! :D
yperoxo forema kai apsogo post !!!happy new year !!!!!!!
poli oraio forema! Kali xronia!
So fabulous!Happy new year!
I aggree too.I think we should all be less program-freaks and wait for something unexpected!
Awesome dress...your accessories were perfect. That bow ring is to-die-for! I need 2 go get me a g/f so I can dress her up....lol. Hope your evening was great!
εμένα πάλι με βρίσκει με πιζάμες χαχαχαχα
Καλή χρονιάαααα
Happy New Year!! Poly wraies fotografies!
what a perfect outfit!
beautiful photos!
let's hope we'll all have a great year
Gorgeous photos! Hope you had a blast! :)
Happy 2010!!
appy new year! great dress! :)
looking good. happy new year dear.
polu wraioo post...!
latreuw t kokkinoo kalson..
woohoo I was wearing H&M too!!happy new year LOPITAAAA!!
happy new year hon... i totally agree no resolutions needed this year...
happy new year luv!!!! u're doll!
Nice collection. Totally agree with the policy of no resolutions. There only for breaking... Sabine x
lovely dress lopi
hmmm...poli orea arxi... :)
telio xroma to kragion!
kali xroniaaaaaaaa
love the detail pics babe! especially love the bow ring. i want. good for you on not making resolutions. :)
πολύ χαριτωμένο ντύσιμο, μ' αρέσει. Καλώς σε βρηκα στο μπλογκ σου, καλή σου χρονιά!
mu aresun upervolika oi fwto,oi leptomereies anadeiknuontai..skeftomai n se "antigrapsw" otan vrw xrono gia na anadeiknuw k egw ta axesuar, alla tha prepei n exei fusiko fws?ti camera xrisimopoieis?
oso gia to outfit,uperoxo,exw dei k to forema apo konta k einai apsogo :)
kali xronia(i know, me kathusterisi)euxomai akoma kalutera posts,akoma wraiotera outfits k genikotera a happy happy life!
thank you all for your kind words!
littlestylist: Χαχα, να με αντιγράψεις όσο θες! Για αυτές τις φωτογραφίες χρησιμοποίησα την απλή compact φωτογραφική μου στην ρύθμιση "macro" και όπως παρατήρησες κι εσύ, φωτογράφησα με φυσικό φως. Δεν μπορώ πια το φλας ή την κιτρινίλα από τα φώτα το βράδυ, προτιμώ να μην ανεβάσω καθόλου ποστ παρά να βγάλω φωτογραφίες που δεν μου αρέσουν.
Πολλά φιλιά και να έχουμε μια τέλεια χρονιά!
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