Aslanis showed his AW2010/11 collection last Friday March 26th in Fashion Week Athens, in a show that had it all. Literally. Every kind of fabric, every kind of inspiration around the world, every decade in fashion, every ornament possible, it was all there.

And it was long too! I wasn't keeping time, but my feet started killing me (I was standing in order to take pics) halfway through the show.
And it just wouldn't come to an end.

However, like Alecca Rox herself very successfully noted in her Makis Tselios post, Aslanis is one of those great Greek fashion designers that can't be judged just by the aesthetics of their clothes, but by their whole career. And even if he is considered one of those safe, acceptable dressmakers our 60 year-old aunt prefers if she has to attend a fancy wedding, I have to give it to him, he does take risks.

Bright mustard corduroy suit, you guys? I die!
And I would be lying to you and myself if I didn't mention that I would love to wear that stripy black & white dress below.

And I'm sure I wouldn't look like anyone's 60-year-old aunt.
Bonus as always, the finale video:
And don't forget to read what Alecca Rox had to say too!
All pictures in this post were shot by me.
Do not use without permission.
Do not use without permission.
Είσαι η επόμενη Carrie Bradshaw. Θα πάρω τώρα τηλέφωνο στα γραφεία της Vogue να σου κάνουν πρόταση. Lead us, o fashion architect, in the paths of fashion.
aslanis gives the same show every year, but i like it! it's a classic, plus he mostly uses greek models .
btw why don't you watermark your photos? we all do it nowdays
@Samantha Jones
Πρέπει να στο αναγνωρίσω, έχεις γίνει γρήγορη και *επιτέλους* σταμάτησες να γράφεις greeklish. Thanks for that. Έσω έτοιμη, σου'ρχεται κι άλλο ποστ οσονούπω.
P.S. Η Carrie για γκόμενους δεν έγραφε?
Hmmm, I try to keep them low-res and avoid the watermark, I don't quite like the way it looks. But if the need comes, I guess I'll have to give in.
Βασικά δεν έγραφα ποτέ greeklish, τα μισώ θανάσιμα. Οπότε δεν ισχύει αυτό που λες. Η δεύτερη φορά είναι που σου σχολιάζω (τώρα η τρίτη, στα 100 θα φωνάξω τους Pet Shop Boys) κάτι. Εκτός κι αν υπήρξε κάποιος/κάποια που χρησιμοποίησε το ίδιο name. Είμαι ο/η χρήστης που σου είχε σχολιάσει σε προηγούμενο άρθρο με name "Dimitra-Next Top Model". Θυμάσαι;
Ναι, όντως. Για άντρες γράφει. Αλλά μόδα και άντρες εσείς οι γυναίκες-αρθρογράφοι του Cosmopolitan και Glamour (όχι εσύ συγκεκριμένα, οι άλλες που απευθύνονται σε αποβλακωμένο κοινό) τα έχετε κάνει όμοια. Για αυτό σε "έχρισα" επόμενη Carrie Bradshaw.
Αλλά ελπίζω εσύ να έχεις ένα αξιόλογο μορφωτικό επίπεδο και να μην έχετε τις ίδιες ιδέες με την Carrie.
P.S. Πάλι καλά που είναι Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα και o Alpha δεν μεταδίδει επεισόδια και κολαστούμε. Α-πα-πα-πα...πα!
i agree with u a 100%. Aslanis whether we like it or not has left his landmark in Greek Fashion. Respect the least!
Thanks for double linking me boo, still laughing about mustard suit/taking risks:)
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