Wednesday 10 March 2010

Mad Men Barbie dolls by Mattel

photo via NYT

I may not be a doll aficionado and collector like Mr Bacalis, but I'm really into the whole Mad Men thing, therefore absolutely excited to hear those news via adaftys on twitter!
Mattel plans to bring out versions of Barbie and Ken styled after four “Mad Men” characters. The dolls are part of a premium-price collectors’ series for adults that Mattel calls the Barbie Fashion Model Collection. There will be 7,000 to 10,000 copies of each doll, to be sold in specialty stores and on two Web sites, and
Read the whole article over at New York Times.


Sandra Azwan said...

super cool....;-)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Those are awesome!

fashionist__ahead said...


ShoppingTherapy said...

που ειναι ο don draper??????

Lopi said...

Υποτίθεται ότι αυτός είναι...
Η λεζάντα της φωτογραφίας στους NYT λέει "from left, Joan Holloway, Roger Sterling, Don Draper and Betty Draper".

ShoppingTherapy said...

ήμουν σίγουρη ότι ήταν ο Pete Campbell ! αφού φαίνεται ξανθούλης και μικρός! χαχα

daisychain said...

so awesome

Mairyliscious said...

apisteyto !!!

Alecca Rox said...

amazing detail in clothes and hair...and I always find it very amusing when they make dolls out of tv characters:)

Pink_Fish said...

these dolls are lovely! I would love them as decorage in my room, cause I am not in the age anymore to play with dolls :)

abigail said...
