Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Buttery soft brown leather

Really, my new Massimo Dutti flat brogues must be made by the softest brown leather ever! I'm so happy I didn't wait for the sales to get them, they're nowhere to be found now.

Bonus detail the checkered lining that matches the inside of the box they came in.

Gotta pay attention to the little things...


PeBu said...

Τα έχω αγοράσει κι εγώ και είναι τα αγαπημένα μου. Πονουσαν τα πόδια μου και μόλις τα έβαλα ανακουφίστηκα!

Raquel said...

details are important so that's cute that the brogues have plaid lining. they do look soft so I only imagine how they may feel.

A BRIT GREEK said...

They look buttery soft - i love leather when it's like that!
Gorgeous purchase!

p.s have you been to Zara lately? OH MY - colour galore - there must be a million things i really want in there!