My sister Effie is the exact opposite of me. She hates shopping in all its forms. Going to a shop, trying on stuff and choosing what she likes or needs at the time is a no-no for her. And when in real need, like in the middle of a I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR crisis, she does shop my wardrobe. Bless her though, she's my sister, so I am now her designated professional shopper. So, Effie, as you are molded in your couch amongst your cognitive science books (such a NERD), please take 5 seconds out of your valuable time and give a chance to these two overly cute pairs of ballerina flats in size 36 that have been finally reduced from 84 euros to a mere 20 a pair. I know that maybe you need a 37, but I have been eying them up for you since March, when your feet were still a 36. The black will be perfect to dress up, as you can't really walk in heels without looking like a giraffe. No hard feelings there, we both know you do. Personally, I would buy the blue pair, but I don't have the freakishly small feet you have. So, what do you think? Buy both?
Μου αρέσουν πάρα πολύ τα μπλε..από που;Όχι πως έχει σημασία γιατί φοράω μεγάλο νούμερο κ ποτέ δε βρίσκω στο τέλος των εκπτώσεων!Εκτός κ αν είναι απαίσια..σνιφ!
Like the blue ones better too. They seem more comfortable aaand, duh, I already HAVE black ones :P
I'd prefer a 37 though. Oh, next time plz show me the soles too, coz I'm a big Slippery Slipperson...
I also want that coat you have posted next...:)
To littlestylist: they are from a shoe store in Volos called Galleria di Scarpe, but I don't remember the exact brand.
To sister Efthymia: Yes boss, I will get the coat. But I don't know if it will be for you or for me. I maybe heavier, but we have the same narrow shoulders and this was XS and fitted perfectly, so I don't know if it will be small enough for you. Maybe, for once, you could go to a Mango store and try it on. Just saying...
well, personally I wouldn't choose the black ones cuz my feet wouldn't look good in them... so I guess the blue ones?
love them both tho!
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