[On the Street by Snowbell]
Even though I've never been a big fan of polyvore (I love my photoshop and the endless possibilities) there's no arguing that it's one of the most inspirational - not to mention addictive - fashion communities out there. For those of you who are not familiar with it, here's the quite enlightening about section:
Fellow architect and fashion aficionado Snowbell has created all these beautiful sets above, inspired by architecture.
I'm just posting a small selection here, but I totally suggest you go check her polyvore collection titled Fashion Achitect for the rest of them (that's the way it was spelled, but I suppose the missing "r" is a typo).
Furthermore, she has created a polyvore group called Fashion Architecture where other members can post sets inspired by that same concept.
Inspiration for all fashion architects out there!
Polyvore's easy-to-use virtual styling tool lets people mix and match products from any online store to create their own fashion collections called "sets". The Polyvore community consists of trendsetters, shoppers and aspiring stylists, who create more than 30,000 sets daily. Polyvore offers an unprecedented level of direct engagement with real products and brands, while its social features make it a powerful platform for the creation and distribution of user-generated advertising.Normally I'd save you the re-posting of other people's sets, since it's all out there for you to discover, *but* this is definitely worth mentioning here on this particular blog:
Fellow architect and fashion aficionado Snowbell has created all these beautiful sets above, inspired by architecture.
I'm just posting a small selection here, but I totally suggest you go check her polyvore collection titled Fashion Achitect for the rest of them (that's the way it was spelled, but I suppose the missing "r" is a typo).
Furthermore, she has created a polyvore group called Fashion Architecture where other members can post sets inspired by that same concept.
Inspiration for all fashion architects out there!
We *love* those sets that you reposted! And we'd never heard of Polyvore. Thank you so much for posting about it! Are you going to start using it at all?
The shoes! Killing me. Thanks for sharing these sets -- very cool, very inspirational.
all sets are really inspiring! and really well put together!
all sets are great! I prefer the white one!
It's such a pity that they have used interior design that is all very similar. All modern, all reasonably minimal. It would have been great to see a wider variety. Some Charles Rennie Mackintosh inspired fashion would go down a treat.
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