This post is about my trip to Amsterdam last summer...

...and the joyous fact that we happened to be there on that same weekend the notorious Amsterdam Gay Pride parade took place!

We watched the canal parade hanging from the bridges...

...we attended a stand-up comedy night at a lesbian bar...

...we saw proud families.

Why am I posting all this now?

For starters, I was a lazy bitch last year and just didn't get around it. Sorry for that.
In a more serious note, it happens that June is internationally celebrated as Gay and Lesbian Pride month so it's traditionally the time of the year when all the Pride Parades take place. Even though last year I had the privilege of attending both the Amsterdam and the Athens Pride parades (and had sooooo much fun) Holland was just an one-off trip, that will be remembered fontly. However, there's absolutely no excuse for missing the Athens one this year!
Visit athenspride.eu for more info and see you there!
1 comment:
I am going to visit Amsterdam this summer!! For third time because my aunt used to live there...
But actually i find Netherlands really "flat"...!!!
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