Friday, 11 June 2010

Zara shopping

Oh yes, I did it again! Got myself those turquoise gladiator sandals from Zara Kids in size 38 (good thing kids grow so fast these days)... orange floral scarf...

...a Zara Kids boys t-shirt featuring a blue monster driving a bike...

...and this miniscule grey bag thingy that can be worn either diagonally on the shoulder as a normal messenger bag or with its strap removed, dangling from your own belt.

And the best part is that I didn't actually pay for anything of the above because I had all those bonus points in my credit card from airplane tickets and stuff, that were just sitting around.

Finally put in good use.


Raquel said...

ah zara kids shoes, aren't they amazing? also, i've seen that tiny bag, so cute! and can't believe it was all "free"!

battered couture said...

wow for sandals and wow for bag. worn on the belt sounds like a dream. waiting on relevant post.

Εvi said...

Oh God, wish I had a niece or a godchild of some sort so I can dress the kid up!

Alecca Rox said...

those shoes are great! amazing they do 38s at kids dept!

*was about to post about a similar pair I've got, only mine got heels and are much-much older. seems like they are back in fashion and I'm about to do my own personal recycling here:)

Anonymous said...

Love them ALL, but that bag has stolen my heart!

Έρικα Νταουτίδου said...

Me geia soy loipon...
That thing in zara's dressing rooms..I do it too! I am quite an impulsive person when it comes to clothes, so I take pictures to watch and think about the clothes that I'm bying..
Cute blog by the way!
Have a nice weekend!

Alessia said...

Wow,well done!I love them all!Although I don't actually like Zara shopping,I have to admit that all the things u bought are wonderful!

Daisy Dukes said...

Nice haul, lopi. Everything looks good together with what you wore in, too.

Angelina said...

I love these zara sandals!!!
just great!!

efi said...

με γεια! το τσαντάκι το λιγουρευόμουν κι εγώ, αλλά συγκρατήθηκα!

Mika's Fashion said...

so cute buys!!!

Mairyliscious said...

ti teleio tee
kala apisteuta ta kids gladiator uperoxo to xrwma tous

Anonymous said...

With all the economical crisis in Greece, you'd thought you'd be more modest and less provoking, you fat richy girl with the huge forehead! Hope you get poore and have to steal for clothes, when people around you with the same or more studies work for 300 euros p/m

Lopi said...

I work for my money and I spend it wisely. I certainly don't feel the need to apologize for neither of those two facts.

A BRIT GREEK said...

What great little buys?

Love kiddies T-shirts too, that one looks so cute!!! H&M Kids clothing rocks too! Although i must admit getting into boy's tee's can be quite difficult these days! ;)

I didn't shop this w/end boo :(
But.... i made a Chanel Cake bag instead!

ciao Bella

Sofki said...

γειά σου Λοπάκι! Μήπως μπορείς να πεις πόσο κοστίζουν τα σανδάλια; oκ και το μπλουζάκι ;)

ShoppingTherapy said...

τα σανδαλια τα ειδα προχτες σε καφε χρωμα και σε θυμηθηκα που εχεις γραψει οτι ψωνιζεις ενιοτε και σκεφτηκα, βρε να τα παρω μηπως, αλλα εχω πολλα σανδαλακια κι ετσι προσπερασα. και μετα μπαινω εδω και βλεπω αυτο το ποστ, χαχα! καλα εκανες και τα πηρες

The Divine Goddess said...

So Loving the Gladiators - the pop of turq is so pretty. Zara is such a great all rounder isn't it? When are the sales???

I've just swept through the comments and am completely shocked by one of them.

It is just so not cool to write disparaging comments - this blog is subjective and being plain nasty is just such an classless attribute.
Be careful for what you wish for, because Karma might just come and bite you back in the ass!

Vfor...well,nothing. said...

Έχω ένα πρόβλημα με τα Ζάρα και τα Ζαροειδή καταστήματα. Όταν κανω browsing δεν βρίσκω κάτι που να μου άρεσει (εκτός από jean, ΠΑΝΤΑ υπάρχει κάτι φτιαγμένο από denim που να μου αρέσει) αλλά αν βγω έξω και δω κάτι που δεν μ' άρεσε σε μια άλλη κοπέλα και το έχει συνδυάσει έξυπνα ξαφνικά νιώθω τσιμπήματα ζήλιας. Περιορισμένη φαντασία μάλλον ονομάζεται η περίπτωσή μου.
Τα παπά είναι το κάτι άλλο *hearts,hearts,hearts*

Åska said...

Really nice items :)

chloe said...

ahaha, that monster on the motorbike is so funny! x

Lopi said...

The sandals were 35,95 euros and they are made from the softest buttery (real) leather and the t-shirt was 5,95.

@The Divine Goddess
I find such comments quite entertaining actually... Thanks for the support anyway!

Feathers said...

Shopping the kids section is one of my favorite fashion tips. I have two pairs of children's section shoes and a bunch of clothing. Here's a pic of me in a kids size skirt from my blog: