Friday, 6 May 2011

Alex Walex Pavlova Mixer Party

Why so many pavlovas? In case you haven't already read it, story goes like this:

Twitter queen and friend of mine Alex Walex wanted to learn how to make pavlova and her friend Michalis gave her a private lesson. She soon realized that her culinary destiny was in fine pastry making and started ogling cute-yet-professional mixers online to help her fulfill it in style.
Her heart was set on a Kitchen Aid Artisan in candy apple red.

Only problem was that the mixer way over her budget. So after much mixer talk, her friends decided it was time to take action. After their suggestion and with their help, she set up a cute looking site citing her burning wish and asking the people who love her to help her buy the goddamn mixer in exchange for a handmade pavlova and a certificate for their wall.

And guess what:

So yesterday we partied!


Always classy, now with mixer.


alexwalex said...

μα τι ωραια περάσαμε. να το ξανακανουμε με κατι πιο διαιτητικο

Vanda said...

Fainetai oti you had a GREAT time!!! Nice photos!!

raptureponies said...

Wow - you've got some awesome friends! Looks like you had a great time!