What a great day for all of us to go through out closets with a sharp eye, weed out the stuff that no longer fits, has bored us to death or simply takes too much space from the stuff we really love, give it a good wash and hang it to dry just in time to swap it tomorrow.

The deal is that you bring one bag of clean clothes and shoes and you swap it for a bag of whatever you can find. There will also be a bench with tools and materials for you to customize your finds, in case the inspiration hits you right on the spot. Plus, designer CorBo will be there to help you get it straight. And then we can have coffee. Sunday loveliness.
polu wraia idea!!!! makari na mporousa k egw
Lopi you know my opinion about you and your lovely blog.. This is to cheer for CorBo, a friend of mine and a very talented designer...
Thanks for sharing! It sure is a very successful event.
great idea, great day! i went there today from Xalkida, had a lovely sunday afternoon, dropped some old stuff, came home with some new :) loved it, cannot wait to re-do it :)
Makari na mporousame kai emeis edo stin eparxia (Rethymno-Kriti) na kanoume kati paromio....Mou aresei poli i idea!
Mou aresei poli to blog sou kai to parakoloutho kathe evdomada.
Filia, Vanda
πάλι το έχασα:( δεν πειράζει την επόμενη φορά ελπίζω να τα καταφέρω
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