Pepper that is.
More precisely, whole peppercorns of various colours and other spices that have been residing in my kitchen ever since my friend Greta gave them to me as a gift from her trip in Istanbul. And yes, that's a lot of them.
Especially if you don't actually own a pepper mill. An unfortunate lack of equipment which I decided to fix quickly, given my obsession for spicy stuff and the obvious abundance of supplies. But since I don't have time nor patience to go real-life shopping for anything other than clothes and shoes, I decided to e-commerce my way out of my spice problem.

Since I like to mix my peppers, Ι decided to get one dark wood pepper mill for my black/red/green/white pepper mix and a mill-and-salt-shaker set to keep on the table for plain black pepper and salt, all by German manufacturer Fackelmann.

Oh, and a pair of American Vintage lounge track bottoms. What, you thought I could actually order online from a shop that offers clothes too and not get something from that department as well?
The stuff arrived in four days.

And maybe this time I'll combine my order with this cute stripy top.
ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ!!! τι ωραίοοοο! :D
ante megeia!!! :))
krima gia to megalo, kai fainetai tooooso oraio..gkrmf. :P
miam miam..peinasa tora!
lovely! the best pepper mill is from IKEA, 5 euros. guarantee
lopi help!!!exeis agorasei pote apo shopbop.com? 3ereis mipws ti paizei me tous forous? to revolveclothing pou stelnei apo ameriki ta stelnei mesw taxydromeio kai den yparxei problima..gia to allo den 3erw exw mperdeytei...helppppp!!
@ V for varethika
δεν έχω αγοράσει ποτέ από shopbop.com αλλά αυτό που ξέρω ότι ισχύει γενικά είναι αυτό που αναφέρεις κι εσύ, ότι δηλαδή αν βάλεις αποστολή με απλό ταχυδρομείο δεν περνάνε από τελωνείο. μήπως το shopbop.com δεν δίνει επιλογή απλού ταχυδρομείου? (μου έχει τύχει με το MoMA store και πλήρωσα εκτελωνισμό)
thanks gia tin amesi apantisi :-)), dinei usps epilogi 7-20 meres delivery....opote paraggeila ki o 8eos boi8os!!thanks again!!
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