Monday, 27 June 2011

Yellow gold

I believe most of us despised yellow gold when we were growing up. We thought of it as tacky and kitsch and probably something that only our moms and aunts would wear.

Well, in this past few years I slowly started to grow fonder of gold jewelery, to the point where they are now the majority of my collection.

Here are a few of the pieces that I've been wearing non-stop these past few months:
Gorjana Bail Ring from Reverse.

Gorjana Tinsley Charm Bracelet from Reverse.

Chain link necklace, vintage from my grandma's collection.

Gold-plated bracelet, a gift bought from Samos.

Snake-effect long necklace from Accessorize.

If you liked those two Gorjana pieces on top, you should definitely take a look at Revolve Clothing's selection, with several pieces currently on sale. My favourite is this little charm bracelet that's already on my wish list.
Quite similar to the one I already have, but I wouldn't mind piling them both up on my left wrist.


daisychain said...

I am really starting to love gold jewellery, yours are such lovely pieces! x

ShoppingTherapy said...

μου αρέσουν πολύ και αυτά που πόσταρες και γενικά που μπορούν να συνδυαστούν πολλές λεπτές αλυσίδες με charms μαζί και στον καρπό και στο λαιμό.

ShoppingTherapy said...

α ξέχασα να πω ότι τα gorjana δε τα ήξερα (πειρασμός!) αλλά λατρεύω τα zoe and morgan

Anonymous said...

συμφωνώ...κι εγώ είχα μια σχέση "μίσους" με το χρυσό! τα πρώτα που χρυσά κοσμήματα τα αγόρασα από τα Dyrberg/Kern πριν 4 χρόνια (και δεν ήταν καθόλου διακριτικά!!!). Έκτοτε ότι άλλον χρυσό έχω αγοράσει είναι Dyrberg/Kern...είμαι σταθερή σε αυτό!!!

Raquel said...

I have the exact same feeling towards yellow gold as you, despised it as a kid/teen, been loving it more and more lately!

Dimitri Zafiriou said...

adorable yellow glamorous and chic..just adorable...

dp said...

i think we all hated shiny yellow gold old-fashioned designed jewellery worn by our grandmothers and aunts, and not this "dirty" yellow gold...
in fact when we were younger, this kind of gold was out of fashion and dirty...