Tuesday 21 June 2011


Ok people, I know this Haralas design is totally a Marni SS 2008 knock-off (if you don't remember that specific style just take a look here and here) but I simply couldn't resist when I found it for half-price off in Avenue Mall's All About Shoes shop.

I just fell in love the turquoise/black/white combo and the fact that it has a round toe line instead of the original design's super pointy style.

Still feeling kinda guilty for the original designer though... Should I? Would you?


Call me M said...

It's a really nice design.
But no, you shouldn't feel guilty. High street stores do this all the time. I've already bought two pairs of shoes that are Brian Atwood's look alikes and one bag which is a combination between the Mulberry's Alexa and the PS1.
If they don't have a fake designer tag, you shouldn't worrry about it. All designers are being imitated. That's how things work. Whether we like it or not.

Rinos said...

in cases like this the only thing that you have to think is "άρπατα και τρέχα" don't feel guilty but lucky

Florendia said...

They look cool! And no don't feel guilty. It's actually good for big fashion houses to have their products copied! It is the way "trends" are created in the high street. And when your product is trendy and your name is Marni you are fine because most of your customers don't shop at Haralas anyway;)

SinotheDivine said...

Don't you dare feel guilty Marni should feel guilty for their prices and for the record i simply adore Marni and those are some knock-out sandals.

battered couture said...

what do you mean "should I". of course you should. besides, they work better with the round toe, non. very nice.

ShoppingTherapy said...

αντιλαμβάνομαι τον προβληματισμό, αλλά η μόδα αλλάζει τόσο γρήγορα που δεν υπάρχει χρόνος για τέτοιες απορίες!! με γεια!

katoula said...

einai fantastika! k pisteuw tairiazoun polu sto stul sou! megeia! kai xwris enoxes-ennoeitai!