Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Chie never lets me down

From my favorite shoe designer's new collection. The color is called "anais cream". I rest my case.
Chie Mihara


Ro said...

I love her shoes. I want the colored version of these, but those cream-colored ones are heavenly.

Anonymous said...

These would go great with the Lela Rose dress! Too bad you'd have to sell a kidney to afford them both ...

Antoinette said...

A-ha! Two Chie Mihara lovers have connected all the way across the world! Thanks for your comments on my blog. I will bookmark yours and savor all the eye candy! I only have one pair but have been tempted to buy more when they are marked down at pedshoes.com.

V for varethika.. said...

επειδη το εχω καταλαβει οτι λατρευεις chie μπες www.anthropologie.eu ή www.anthropologie.com. Λίγη ποικιλλία αλλά καλή έκπτωση (αν είναι από αμερική ακόμα πιο φτηνά)..:-)))