Thursday, 25 September 2008

Prada a luxury? I don't think so.

Coco Chanel once said - amongst other wise words - that "Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury." These words sprung in mind this morning as I started reading the reports from Milan's runways. There are videos and pictures all over the place of poor models wobbling and falling flat on their vertigo-inducing high heels at Prada. See for yourself here, here and here. My opinion is it's not funny. It's plain ridiculous! Fashion is supposed to make women feel beautiful, confident and relatively comfortable. Not intimidated! Some reports even mention that models were crying backstage before the show, as they were too scared to walk. I won't even try to comment on the "primitive woman obsessed with gold" theme of the collection. What happened to you Miuccia? Are you so absorbed in your architecture and art projects that you reached the point where you see fashion as a game? Don't you have any respect for women who used to admire your work? For the record, Miuccia defended herself saying it was the weird satin socks the models had to wear with the sandals that made them slippery and that the shoes may have indeed been too high and that this will be fixed before they hit the stores. Well, to answer the first lame excuse, that's what friggin' rehearsals are for! As for the second, too late now Miuccia. Trust is ruined.


Anonymous said...

Geez, models should not be fearful of ankle-breaking incidents on the runway. I agree: Miss P took it too far with these shoes.

Jillian Hobbs said...

GORGEOUS!!!!! shoes but ugh poor dear i bet that KILLED her ankle!

Anonymous said...

συμφωνώ πολύ - και σκέφτομαι να γράψω ένα ποστάκι για την ηθική της μόδας -
μια ερώτηση μόνο, why in english?

Rebecca said...

the shoes are pretty - but way too dangerous! I feel bad for the poor models!

Lopi said...

panino: Απλά ξεκίνησα στα αγγλικά χωρίς να το πολυσκεφτώ. Μου είναι πιο άνετο, δεν ξέρω γιατί, πες το βίτσιο. Επίσης διάβαζα άπειρα ξένα blog μόδας και όταν αποφάσισα να ξεκινήσω το δικό μου, ήθελα να κάνω κάτι που θα μου επέτρεπε να συνδιαλέγομαι με όλες αυτές τις κοπέλες που είχα "γνωρίσει" έτσι. Έγραφα ήδη πολλά comments στα αγγλικά, οπότε ήρθαν φυσικά. Όταν κάποια στιγμή αργότερα ανακάλυψα μερικά ελληνικά blog μόδας σκέφτηκα μήπως έκανα δίγλωσσα post για να διευκολύνω αυτούς που βαριούνται να διαβάζουν τα αγγλικά, αλλά τελικά αποφάσισα να το κρατήσω έτσι. Too much trouble.