Monday, 22 September 2008


MDF boards

toilet paper cardboard cylinders

a mess of shoes

all the components

it has begun

almost there



Fashionitsa said...

Nice idea! Maybe I should try it (if I find an empty corner...)

Anonymous said...

You're my flippin' hero. And you even incorporated recycled materials! BRILLIANT!

Elena said...


Lopi said...

Sal, I forgot to mention that the MDF boards are too almost recycled. They were remains of bigger panels and the hardware shop (Praktiker) sold them for 0.84 euros each or they would be thrown away. I couldn't let them do that. And they also let me keep some smaller ones for free. Bargain!

Jessie said...

Oh my GOSH you are a freaking genius. I am not over this, and am going to have to do some building this weekend. Nice work, my dear.

Rebecca Jane said...

look at you miss handy woman! It turned out great. I love your shoe collection too!

Annie said...

well when I am editor of Vogue you can have a nice big articly followed by a page of half-price advertising for your business empire of shoe-storage.

ShoppingTherapy said...

this idea rocks. have you thought of painting the MDF boards with some cute colours?


brilliant! i have 2 closets with messes of shoes on the floor. what a fantastic, eco-friendly fix. thanks!

Skye said...

Great work! If I had the space I would definitely build myself a nifty shoe shelf like that.

elvy v said...


creative ideas + recycled materials = a solution for life!

thanks for the tip!

ryder said...

the colest thing ever!!!

miaou miaou said...

wow this idea is excellent! =) i love the finished look. x

Jen @ said...

Do you mind if I ask how this has held up? I have a shoe storage solution already but I love the ingenuity of this one. I was curious if the cardboard rolls held up well though.

Lopi said...

Hi Jen! Thanks for visiting.
How this has hold up these last 8 months, has really exceeded my expectations. Although one of the bottom rolls had started to fail just before the move, I'm happy to report it didn't actually collapse. Now that I'm about to "built it" again in my new place, I'm planing to use new rolls and those I have been saving for this purpose are even stronger than the old ones. Note that I will be using a couple of extra ones in the sides to hold the bottom self and that I'm certainly not putting a wet mop anywhere near this structure! Expect a picture soon, as I am now finishing my new closet!

Anonymous said...

Φανταστική ιδέα..οικονομική, φιλική στο περιβάλλον,πρωτότυπη,πρακτική και όμορφη.Θα μπορούσες να περάσεις τα ρολλά με κάποια ειδική κόλλα που στεγανοποιεί και σκληραίνει για να έχουν μεγαλύτερη αντοχή ή ακόμη και να ενισχύσεις τα ρολά με επιπλέον χαρτί πριν περάσεις την κόλλα για να γίνουν πιο χοντρά..πολύ καλή ιδέα πάντως.Σκέφτομαι να την εφαρμόσω αν δεν σε πειράζει..

Anita Rowe Stafford said...

You are a very smart lady! Your shoes look so neat and organized!