Monday, 13 October 2008

End of Athens Fashion Week

I have so many things to share and so little energy to do so. The 8th Hellenic Fashion Week ended tonight with the workshops' presentation, in which I myself participated. On stage. OMG. Of course I have pictures from our show, as well as from the fashion shows I watched these past two days, but right now it's impossible for me to edit anything. So please visit back for pictures from the shows of Angelos Bratis, Kathy Heyndels, Jean Charles de Castelbaljac, Parthenis, Andria, Victoria Kyriakides and Marios Schwab. Oh, and this also happens to be my 100th post. It was a great day.


Elizabeth said...

Hooray! Congratulations on 100 posts, and I'll be back to see photos.

Kalouda said...

Happy 100th post!

Rebecca Jane said...

congrats on 100 posts! Looking forward to seeing shots of the shows! You must be exhausted though!

P.S. Tagged you with an award!

Anonymous said...

Wheee! So many congrats, beautiful! On the blog and all the work you've been doing at the shows and workshops.

Kalouda said...

tehehehh, it's all about globalization!