Back in the days of
Athens Fashion Week, I was lucky enough to meet the amazing fashion blogger
The Clothes Horse. During the fashion blogging stone age of
MyStyleDiary, her blog was one of the first I got hooked on and inspired me to start my own, so meeting her in person was a rather surreal experience. I was actually nervous at the beginning, much like a first date, but she is a real sweetheart and soon enough the conversation started flowing. During all the waiting and running around between the shows, we had time to talk about many frivolous things, like if there is a typical way greek people dress, why greek fashion week isn't taken seriously by the international fashion industry and how all the trully talented greek designers - like
Sophia Kokosalaki - have to pursue careers abroad in order to succeed. Before we parted ways, she asked me weather I was registered in one of the style social networks like
Chictopia and
Modepass to which I answered no. I didn't see any point, as I alredy have a Facebook account to spy on my old classmates, a
MySpace account to upload any non-fashion-related creative stuff and this blog to interact with all of you interesting and very stylish people. So why would I need another account that I will surely neglect checking? I contemplated the idea for some time and in the end it was all this style community thing that convinced me, so here is my newly created
Chictopia account. The blog always comes first though, so I can't know if I will keep uploading stuff on Chictopia or if it will bore me and I'll delete it alltogether, but I've decided to give it a try. Oh, and for those wondering why I didn't register in Modepass as well, the answer is actually very simple: lopi was already taken. See you there!
I'm signed up there, too, but must admit, I don't do much with it. How do you like it?
Let me echo enc here ... I know it's a great way to network, but I just don't use it. Let us know if it's fun and helpful, K?
I signed up too, but have posted only 1 outfit so far! besides I think blogging is far better, more personal..
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