Sunday, 14 November 2010

Bloggers downtown

New camera, new jacket, plain old me.

That's the second tailcoat I buy, the first being my Comme des Garçons for H&M that I wore back then. However, my favourite ever has to be the one Alex has on in this Streetgeist pic. How cool is that boy?

And again, some fun trivia:

Did you know that tailcoats were initially normal coats that had their front cut off in order to enable the wearer to ride a horse? Ditto for the slit on the back. Over the years they've come to be considered formal wear, but that's how it all begun.

Now that I think about it, I guess it makes total sense to wear my tailcoat with my red horse print scarf...

Tailcoat, NOLITA via this bazaar. Grey and white stripes long sleeve tee, MANGO. Carrot pants, ZARA. Horse print scarf, via SAIA. Aviator sunglasses (close-up here) RAYBAN. Gunmetal grey ballet flats, MALOLES secondhand via BOHBO. Tan tote bag, MANGO.

Extra bonus, the backstage:

Our friend Pelopidas not only escorted Elena and me to the bazaar, but he also shot and tweeted us taking our outfit pics. We're now in the process of convincing him to start his own fashion blog, he's a natural.


Mairyliscious said...

lovely bloggers !!!!!

Elena said...

We had a great time architect! And we really need to get Pelopidas a present. He was SO patient!

daisychain said...

Looking lovely :)

Shey said...

nice jacket!

Mika's Fashion said...

to sakaki sou einai apla teleio!!!

Anonymous said...

hey penelope!I have been following your blog for quite some time,always very nice posts!
i m trying to do a project on the ways IT has changed the fashion i remember correctly that you had written a post on the way the fashion industry is changing mentioning blogosphere, twitter,communities?
can you provide me with a link so that i can reread it? of course it will be cited properly :)
have a nice day

Lopi said...

I don't remember the exact post, but I have everything concerning blogging, marketing and the social media grouped under the tag "fashion blogging" here

some other posts that might be of help are

good luck!

Ivelina FriChic said...

Like this outfit - a bit of casual but such a great job with color coordination!

Anonymous said...

cool outfit! new camera? omg! want one as well!

Raquel said...

I love the last picture. and I'm still jealous of your trousers, I still didn't get my hands on a pair of those! shame on me.

Anna Bonfiglio said...

What a lovely post!!! i just came across your blog and i have to say i loved it! i went back all your posts... it's amazing!!! your style is incredible!!! check out my blog too... if you like it follow me and i promise i'll do the same..