Monday, 22 November 2010


You've probably already read all about it in other Greek fashion blogs, but here it is once again: At last, a major Greek fashion retail business decided to open up their own online shop (hurray) and called us fashion bloggers to help launch it.

Fifteen of us bloggers were invited last Saturday to the Toi&moi headquarters to participate in a very special photoshot.

More info and pics coming soon.


Vixen said...

can't wait!you look very beautiful by the way :)

ShoppingTherapy said...

oh i just saw that! looks you were having fun!

leinti nti said...

nice . looking forward to it. toi and moi is not bad at all.

Thalia said...

i <3 the last photo!

Anonymous said...

you look like a little angel in this picture.


readmylips said...

big bright beautiful smile-someone's very happy ;-)

Sugahspank! said...

ouaaaaaaaaaaaa! koukla!!!!!!